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Prayer Request

A Prayer of Healing

Dear God,  You are the One I turn to for help in moments of weakness and times of need. I ask you to be with me in this illness. Psalm 107:20 says that you send out your Word and heal. So then, please send your healing Word to your servant. In the name of Jesus, drive out all infirmity and sickness from this body.


Dear God I ask you to turn this weakness into strength, suffering into compassion, sorrow into joy, and pain into comfort. Help me to trust in your goodness and hope in your faithfulness, even in the middle of this suffering. Let me be filled with patience and joy in your presence as I wait for your healing touch. Father please restore me to full health and remove all fear and doubt from my heart by the power of your Holy Spirit, and may you God be glorified through my life.  As you heal and renew your servant, Father I bless and praise you.


All of this I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.




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